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A1 Passport & Visa Website back to top

I developed a website for A1 Passport and Visa in 2008.  Since then, I have continued to update it and add new features.  After the front-end website was done, I used osCommerce to add a customized shopping cart to the site.  Customers can create an account and pay for products and services online.  The home page also has an "Alerts" section that A1 Passport has full control over.  Recently I have also added a small widget to the home page where a customer can choose the country they are going to, whether or not they are a citizen and what the purpose of the visit is, and the widget will tell them if they need a visa or not, as well as show them tons of more information about visas specific to that country.  A1 Passport can change all of this information from their control panel at any time.

A1 Passport & Visa Job Manger back to top

I also recently worked with A1 Passport to create a full Job Manager web application for them.  It was mostly created for the employees only, but there is also a small front-end for the clients as well.  In the Admin Panel, the A1 Passport employees can manage all of their clients.  They also have a section to manage all of their contacts that can be linked to any client.  Each client can also have many jobs linked to them as well.  Each job tracks all of the details for one of their orders, including which client and customer it is for, what the current status is and a full status history tracker.  Documents or pictures can also be uploaded and added to a job.  Each client and contact can have an email address set for them, so when one of their jobs are updated, the employee can choose to have a notification sent to the client and/or the contact, letting them know that the status has changed, along with any related notes.  There is a front-end for the Job Manager where a client or a contact can log in and see the status of any of their current jobs, along with a full history of all of their previous jobs.  They also have access to download any documents that have been attached to their jobs.

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